March 21: 3-4:00pm ET Turning Warranty Data Into A Continuous Improvement Tool Benchmark Round Robin NOW

Click Register Now button for more information regarding this 60- minute facilitated round robin benchmark opportunity facilitated by Jason Payne, former Head of Global Warranty Management, Sensata Technologies and Founder JPSI.

Turning Warranty Data Into A Continuous Improvement Tool

  • Benefits and Goals
  • Collecting and Analyzing Warranty Data Strategies
  • Collaborating Between Warranty, Quality and Engineering Teams
  • Risks and Challenges

Feb 15: Good Versus Bad Claims Quality Benchmark Round Robin

Click Register Now button for more information regarding this 60- minute facilitated round robin benchmark opportunity hosted by Warren DeBardelaben former Nissan North America Warranty Executive and Founder WD3 Automotive.

May 18: Data Collection Collaboration to Support Parts Return Process Members Club Study 11-12:00pm ET

Open to all OEM & TIER 1 Supplier MAPconnected Members! Come prepared to share best practices that help improve collaboration to get to root cause and corrective action sooner in the parts return process.

Potential Discussion Topics:

  • Receiving warranty returns:
    • Should parts be sent directly to supplier or to OEM first?
    • Should suppliers be made aware of each part that is received or wait until 25 parts are received?  Does the OEM perform any prescreening of warranty returns before informing supplier parts have been returned?
    • What works better for emerging issue identification? First 25 part sample or ongoing part sampling from dealers?
  • Initial testing
    • What type of bench testing can/should be done at OEM with or without Supplier participation?
    • Should supplier make test equipment available to OEM so testing can be done at OEM site?
  • Data
    • What type of information should be made available from the OEM to OEM AND Supplier at initial testing?
      • Warranty claim info
      • Vehicle history
      • Vehicle build date and location
      • r/1000 on this concern
      • Is there an open concern on this issue?
      • Telematics data
      • Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) found at time of service for electronic componentry and/or engine systems?
    • What information should be made available from the Supplier to the OEM and Supplier at initial testing?
      • Part build date and location
      • Open issues on this concern
      • R/1000 on this concern
      • Any like issues from other OEMs
    • How can we improve the process?
      • Where are test results stored?
      • Supplier and OEM collaboration within the same system
      • Use of photos
      • Ability for OEM and Supplier to interact with dealer technician AT THE TIME of vehicle repair for high cost warranty items?
    • Discussion on the use of Photos
      • Can it replace physical part return or just supplement physical part return
      • When will photos work / won’t work
      • Should OEMs enable video conferencing for suppliers in other regions to join and see review live?

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March 22: Warranty Data Collection for Claims Reporting Club Study 11-12:00pm ET

Open to all OEM & TIER 1 MAPconnected Members! Join us to discuss best in class tools & strategies for:

Register Here

Warranty Data Collection for Claims Reporting

  • Do you have an enterprise-wide data storage and retrieval system that supports your warranty claim data?
  • In addition to claim data, what other data do you link to the warranty claim?
    • Diagnostic session file data (DTCs, PID) | Telematic data | Returned parts | Tech Hotline | CRM data | Other?
  • Do you have corporate dashboards?
    • Canned reports? What kinds and key metrics?
    • Ad hoc reporting capabilities?
  • Do you make data available to your dealers via a web portal or warranty dashboard?
    • Canned reports? What key metrics?
    • Ad hoc reporting capabilities?
  • Pictures – If you request and store pictures, how do you link the pictures to the warranty claim?
  • When reporting to dealers for your KPIs, what time period do you use?
    • One month
    • Rolling 3 months

Feb 23: EV’s Under Warranty 3:00-4:00pm ET | Club Study

Open to all OEM & TIER 1 MAPconnected Members! Join us to discuss:

EV’s Under Warranty

  • What is your battery warranty?
  • If a battery needs to be replaced, what is your procedure?  Prior Approval?
  • Do you allow a dealer to order a battery or would a battery have to be released?
  • Do dealers buy batteries for warranty repairs or do you provide with a handling allowance, or something else?
  • Do you have replacement batteries in stock, or are they vendor ordered?  Lead time?
  • Do you offer “at home” service for EVs?
  • Do you offer “at home” for warranty repairs?
  • If you offer at home service or pick up the vehicle for warranty repairs, how do you help to reimburse the dealer for tech travel or travel time and expense?

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Signup EV’s under Warranty”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Phone Number” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Business Title” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Company” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]

Jan 25: Automated Claims Processing Rules 11:00-12:00pm ET Members Club Study

Join us to discuss: Automated claims processing rules & best in class processes 11:00 – 12:00pm ET.  Open to all OEM & TIER 1 MAPconnected Members!

To be discussed:

  1. What percentage of claims do you manually review versus auto/system review and pay?
  2. How do you determine, or how does your system determine when a claim should go to manual assessing?
  3. How does your system determine “outliers”, or high risk claims?
  4. What is your most effective system rule or edit for helping to control warranty costs and identifying improper claiming?
  5. Do you utilize any type of a risk score (like a Fico score for credit) for each claim?  How?
  6. Does your system compare each claim/repair to an “average cost per repair” for like vehicles?
  7. Do you link your claim payment system to session file reports, DTC data, or telematics data for automatic processing?  How and in what ways?
  8. Most systems have “Claim Types”, but do you use repair templates which would auto-populate the claim with the proper bill of materials based on the vehicle?
    1. What advantages do you offer the dealer for using the appropriate template?
    2. How do you ensure that the appropriate parts were actually used?

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Dec 7: Warranty Training Members Club Study


About the Event Content Goes HereYour Content Goes HereRegister here to save your spot

On December 7th at 3pm ET we will host a TRAINING-themed discussion requested by CUMMINS, one of MAPconnected’s early adopter companies, who will be represented by Jim Knight, Director – Warranty Functional Excellence.

60-minute Round Robin Topics to include:

  • Types of training associated with warranty
  • Do you require training and should you before allowing a claim to be submitted?
  • Are you linking warranty claim payment to technician training?
  • Come prepared to share your Warranty Training Best Practices:
    • Newsletter
    • Guides
    • Help Desk
    • Tips & Techniques
    • Peer Posts

Don’t miss out on this final year-end club event to come together with your warranty and service lifecycle peers, reflect on the past year and discuss best-in-class training strategies.

Save your spot via the button above – it only takes minutes! Spaces are limited and open to all OEM & Tier Manufacturer Suppliers.

The new year stands before us, like a chapter of a book, waiting to be written. – Melody Beattie

Start preparing already for your first chapter 2022 by taking advantage of the benefits with MAPconnected’s network. Adopter companies will be rewarded with a full year of opportunities like this to discuss challenges and insights directly with peers either in our nearly monthly virtual club studies, messaging forum, business partner events and end of year roundtable. MAPconnected’s Membership guarantees you the knowledge to jump-start new processes in your Warranty lifecycle strategic roadmap to stay one step ahead of the curve. Click to view more information about our Membership benefits.

Register your interest to join in on the insightful discussions and don’t forget your favorite beverage to toast to the new year.


Deepview True Cost Report: What is actually spent to keep vehicles on the road

Have you ever asked any of these questions:

  • Which vehicle segment is the most spent on? What vehicles are incurring the lowest costs?
  • Are competitors paying less for labor or parts on their vehicles in the same segment?
  • Are EV costs lower?

With broad differences in markets, practices and allowances, having a fair competitive comparison on service labor is difficult and a metric that manufacturers are typically not allowed to share.

One of our Business Partners, We Predict and their strategic partners have completed the necessary legal agreements to bring millions of repair orders across the industry together and provide real, sharable comparisons for the first time in the Deepview True Cost study.

In our April MAPconnected Club Study, We Predict presented this comparative industry review of actual labor costs for service across segments, carlines, model years, and exposure times to our members. The report covered:

  • Total Cost/Vehicle CPV
  • Total Labor CPV
  • Total Part CPV
  • Total Warranty Labor CPV
  • Total Warranty Part CPV
  • Cumulative Total Labor Cost
  • Cumulative Total Part Cost
  • Cumulative Total Cost
  • % of Vehicles with Repairs
  • Repair Orders per Vehicle
Download segment CPV example

For further information please contact Renee Stephens: