Round Robin

Service Labor Time Standards Versus Average Labor Pricing

MAPconnected looks to empower our members with actionable insights deeply rooted in warranty data and best practices. Our first benchmark project will allow OEMs to see exactly how they perform relative to industry peers regarding:

Subtopics to be discussed in Benchmark Round Robin:

  • What is your overall process for developing flat rates or labor time standards?
  • Do you develop them in house or outsource?
  • Do you use a multiplier like PFD (performance, fatigue, delay), and if so, how much?
  • In addition to actual time studies, do you do “theoretical” or “virtual” time studies?
  • What are you doing to reduce the use of actual time on warranty claims?
  • Do you share your time studies globally or does each region redo the studies?

Following the event the group will additionally benefit from extended discussion opportunities setup as a private group hosted in the MAPconnected Members Network Forum.