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Join our 4th Virtual Round Robin, focusing on the use and advantages of PreDefined Repair Codes (PDRs).
What are PDRs?
PreDefined Repair Codes (PDRs) are bundled service codes used to streamline repair processes. For instance, a retail repair code like 7500K for an oil change automatically includes all necessary parts and labor charges, saving time and ensuring accuracy for the service writer.
Within warranty, PDRs offer several advantages, like simplified claiming for dealers, and more consistent and accurate claiming. PDRs have proven to be successful in warranty claims like recalls, simple one-line repairs, some technical service bulletin, and highly repetitive repairs.
Interactive Discussion Topics:
- Pros and cons of PDRs
- PDRs usage in warranty claims, recalls, technical service bulletins, and common repairs
- PDRs usage on RO, warranty claim or both
- Integration of PDR codes in DMS specification
- PDR codes in on-line warranty claim creation screens
- Validation of bill of materials (parts, labor, other) claimed on repair order within the DMS
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