April 20: 11-12:00pm ET Challenges and Costs Of Servicing Electric Vehicle Battery Packs Featured Business Partner Webinar


Open to all Members and Non-Members

Join us for our next Featured Business Partner Webinar as we discuss the Costs and Service Challenges Of Transitioning To Electric Vehicle Battery Service. An extremely relevant and important topic of interest across the Warranty Lifecycle for OEM’s and Fleet & Service Managers including sub-topics such as:

  • Deciding the battery service strategy that fits your business
  • Costs and challenges associated with the most common EV battery service needs
  • Impact of the EV battery design on the cost and complexity of service

Dave Johnson, Former Global Director Service Engineering Operations, Ford Motor Company

Julie Johnson, Head of Market Development and Growth Strategy, Volta Trucks

Jason Ruban, Vice President, Business Innovation, Midtronics


More About Our Featured Business Partner, MIDTRONICS


EMAIL:  jphilbrook@midtronics.com
PHONE: +1 704-905-1584


Founded in 1984, Midtronics’ entire focus is developing and producing leading edge battery management equipment and services for the global automotive industry.  Our advancements in testing, diagnostic charging, monitoring, and analytics have provided value across the entire battery lifecycle in automotive, heavy truck and motor sport industries.


Midtronics has a proven track record of helping our customers exceed their service quality, warranty, and sales objectives.  Since the introduction of electric vehicles, Midtronics have enabled our customers to become service ready for lithium-ion batteries in hybrid and electric vehicles. Partnering with automotive manufacturers around the world, our maintenance equipment has become essential tools for dealers servicing all vehicles.


Our team listens to the needs of customers. Our curiosity fosters innovation.  Midtronics has the products, technology, and expertise needed to help our customers profitably manage their battery business.